Friday, May 28, 2010

Another Summer Beauty Idea to Try

Okay, I've never tried this one.  But I'm finding that as I get older, shaving gets harder and harder.  The hairs just seem to come back faster.  And with all the nurological issues I'm having, the sensation of stubby hair on my legs and arms really bothers me.  Strange, I know.  But I found this idea for hair removal the other day and I think I might give it a try.  It's called sugaring and while it is similar to waxing, apparently it works better and is not as painful.  Hmmmm, we'll have to see.  Let me know if you try it out!

Basic Sugaring Recipe and Directions

2 cups sugar
¼ cup lemon juice
¼ cup water

Combine the ingredients in a heavy saucepan, and heat on low using a candy thermometer. Watch the mixture very carefully so that it doesn’t boil over. Heat the mixture to 250 F on the candy thermometer; this is the hardball candy stage.

Remove from the heat and let cool enough to pour into a jar without breaking or melting the jar. (Note that this jar will be reheated in the future. Make sure it is safe for whatever form of reheating you plan to do—in the microwave, or in a pan of water.

Rip clean cotton fabric in 1-inch strips. Make sure the cotton isn’t too coarsely woven.

This next step is very critical: Let the mixture cool enough so that it won’t burn your skin. The first time I did this I didn’t let the blend cool enough and I burned myself! Test the mixture on the palm of your hand, knowing that is much tougher than the sensitive skin under your arms.

Using a dull knife or Popsicle stick, spread the cooled sugar onto your skin. Cover with the cloth strips, let set for a few minutes, and then rip off quickly as you would a bandage.

In the future you can reheat the mixture to a warm and not hot temperature (see above), and reuse. Note that reheating will thicken the paste.

Taken from: Care 2 Make A Difference

Apparently, the history of body sugaring goes way back to the ancient Egyptian times.  The Pharohs would ask that their slave girls (or harem, I suppose) would be completly hairless.   This was a sign of beauty and cleanliness.  While there were razors and cutters available back then, I would imagine they would not be the safest or cleanest way to go with hair removal.  So sugaring was used.  Interesting, no?


Kate said...

Thanks for stopping by Webster's Updates and commenting. I may give this a try. I'm beyond frustrated w/ shaving and the resulting skin burn issues. I'll report back if it goes well :)

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