Monday, January 30, 2012

Meal Plan Monday - January 30, 2012

Well, after bragging about how well we were staying on our meal plans for the past few weeks, I fell off the wagon last week and didn't do hardly anything that was actually ON the meal plan!  Oops!  Guess that is just rewards for bragging.

On to this week.....

Cereal w/milk
Toast w/PB&J
Homemade Egg McMuffins

Brown Bag school lunches (sandwiches, chips, fruit, juice box, veggie)
School Lunches
Lean Cuisine for Momma

*Hamburgers with baked beans, deviled eggs, cut veggies & dip, peaches
*Soyed Chicken Wings, potato wedges, salad, rolls, applesauce
*Speghetti w/red sauce and sausage, salad, rolls, broccoli
*Meatloaf with mashed potatoes, salad, cut veggies & dip, applesauce
*French Dip Crescents with fruit and veggie pieces and salad

Linking up to:


Unknown said...

That's okay...sometimes things come up and I will make something different than wants planned.
I love Meatloaf and Mashed Potatoes.
You have a great menu planned! Enjoy your week.

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