It's been quite a while since I joined in Mama Jenn's Mission of the Month. In fact, I don't even remember the last one I did! However, as part of my organizing goal, I'm joining back up. Here are my goals for January:
1) Implement new laundry system.
2)Implement new chore chart system for the kids.
3) Walk at least 3-4 times per week.
4) Read Proverbs 31 and meditate on being a Proverbs 31 wife and mother.
5) Eat dinner at the table as a family 90% of the time (instead of on the run or in front of the TV as has become the norm)
Aren't mini-goals fun? A good way to keep us on track with the bigger goals in life. If you think doing mini-goals might help you, check out Mama Jenn's blog and challenge. Lots of fun stuff over there and lots of motivation to stay on track! Thanks, Mama Jenn!
Best of luck with your goals! They are good ones. They say if you do anything for 15 days, it becomes a habit, so hang in there when it gets tough!
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