Monday, July 11, 2011

You're Invited!

You're Invited to our Grand Opening/Mystery Hostess Virtual Workshop!!!!

As I mentioned in a previous post, I recently became a consultant with Heritage Makers, a digital storybooking/scrapbooking company.  I've used their programs and recieved their products for several years and love the service and the products I've made and recieved.

Here is a link to the Heritage Makers website: Heritage Makers.

I'm really excited about my new venture.  I love the products and I love scrapbooking/storybooking and I love to share my books with other people.  Plus, as much as I loved paper crafting, I find that I just don't have the time to sit down at my craft table anymore - or when I do have time, I just don't have the energy.  Heritage Makers is perfect for that - it's all on a computer. I can work on it anywhere and anytime!

Right now I'm hosting a Virtual Grand Opening/Mystery Hostess Workshop to celebrate my new business venture.  Eveyone who particiaptes will receive an entry into the Mystery Hostess drawing and by doing extra "events" will earn extra entries into the drawing.  At the end of the week, I will have one of the kids draw a name out of a hat and that person will become the Mystery Hostess Winner and receive all the hostess benefits earned during the week!!!

And even if you particiapte and don't win the Mystery Hostess, you can still be a winner because of all the great Heritage Maker products you'll be introduced to and begin to work with.  At the end, you'll have a family heritage book (or canvas or calendar or deck of cards or other exciting project!) to share your stories with friends and families.

Every picture tells a story.  Every story deserves to be heard.
Wouldn't you like to share your stories?
I can help!

Please check out my Grand Opening/Mystery Hostess Virtual Workshop this week (July 10-15).  Ask me how to start a FREE Heritage Makers account and get started sharing those important stories!!



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