All we have to do is be a Mama, post a few missions and then report back if we accomplished them or not. Easy peasy! And for someone like me who has to make list after list after list of TO-DO's, but then no way to hold myself accountable, it's perfect!
So here are my April goals:
- Walk or Run at least 20 miles. Since I usually do about 2 miles at a time, that's 10 days of walk/run time in.
- Work on two preschool units; one for April and one for May. April - April Showers bring May Flowers/Caterpillers. May - How Does Your Garden Grow?
- Have all decisions and decorations and parent volunteers in place for Spring Programs.
- Clean pantry and Master Bedroom.
- Finish broadsword choreography and begin work on Esperanza choreography for dance classes.
I'm going to try to do five missions per month . . . not too many, not too few!!! If you want to join in the fun, check out Mama Jenn's blog!!
Hi. I'm popping over from Mama Jenn. The choreography sounds fun!! Good luck on your goals.
Oh exercise...I SOOOOO need to work that back into my schedule. Perhaps if I add it to my "to-do" list it will actually get done...problem is...I am scared to add it to the list...b/c that means I have to do it! What a dilemma, huh?!? :-)
Thanks for linking up and joining in!
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