Thursday, May 20, 2010

Garden Update

We've been spending lots and lots of time out in the garden lately.  With warmer weather and lots of rain and more sunshine, we're itching to get that garden growing!

In the last few weeks we've planted raspberry bushes, rhubarb roots, rubarb plants, onions, more radishes, more peas, potatos, carrots, corn and sunflowers, and some herbs.  The herbs are in pots as I've found that otherwise they take over the entire yard ( as my chamoille did last year - it's coming up all over the place!) 

The apple tree has blossomed and bloomed and now has little baby apples started!  The strawberry plants are brimming with little and big berries - not even close to being red, but growing, growing, growing!  One of the blueberry bushes had little flowers on it; the other one is just blossoming leaves.

We harvested a little bit of asparagus.  It was only it's second year, so nothing spectacular.  Only about 10 shoots.  We also plan on adding more plants to that patch.

We've planted a rosebush, some gladiola bulbs, some pansies and columbines.  I got my Mother's Day hanging basket and put that up.  We transplanted a few more lilac bushes.

Last night DH tilled up the big garden.  Next weekend will probably be our big planting weekend when we put up the vines, the peppers, tomatos, more sunflowers, broccoli, cabbages, cauliflower, more lettuces, more peas and who knows what else?  We'll have to see what the nursery has that looks like fun!


Heather (One Take On Life) said...

Wow this makes me want to start a garden. I so do not have a green thumb.
We are currently trying to fix up our front walkway, there was nothing but Hosta's in front. And they weren't doing so well.
Thanks for stopping by, I am your newest follower.

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