Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Meal Plan Monday - on Tuesday!

A day late and a dollar short - that's about right for me!  We've had a crazy week with me having to take a couple days off work due to bussing issues and then we had 3 snow days in a row with 13ish inches of snow on the ground.  Then the weekend and yesterday a PD day and now it's Tuesday again all ready!  Where does time go??

So here's this week's meal plan:

Monday - lunch at daycare
                Speghetti w/corn and bread/butter dinner

Tuesday - school/daycare lunch
                BBQ Pulled Pork (Lloyd's quick cook type) with chips and beans dinner

Wednesday - school/daycare lunch
                     Breakfast dinner - pancakes, hash browns, toast, bacon

Thursday - school/daycare lunch
                  Pizza for dinner

Friday - school/daycare lunch
             Steaks on the grill, green beans, baked potatos (probably hot dogs for kids!)

Saturday - PBJ sandwiches for lunch w/chips & fruit
                 do-agains for dinner

Sunday - Soup (probably bean bacon or white bean chicken chili) for lunch
               pork chops w/stuffing & broccoli for dinner

As always, I'm linking to OrgJunkie's Meal Plan Monday!


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