Monday, August 30, 2010

Meal Plan Monday

Back to the daily grind - Back to school - Back to fall
That's where we are in our yearly cycle.  This week starts both Mr. CrazyLife and myself back to school/work.  The kids all go back to school next week.  It's time to get back into regular schedules and regular meal plans.
Some things have changed this fall.  Instead of daycare, Things #3 and #4 will be staying home with my sister, hereafter referred to as Auntie CrazyLife.  She will be doing all daytime meals except supper with the kids and doing a preschool program.  So our meal schedule has changed a bit to reflect that.

Here's this week's meal plans:

breakfast: cereal/granola bars/scrambled eggs
lunch: lunch out with IL's
dinner: dinner out with Auntie CrazyLife

breakfast: cereal w/milk
lunch: grilled cheese sandwiches, grapes, tater tots
dinner: tacos and taco salad

breakfast: scrambled eggs with toast
lunch: PBJ with fruit
dinner: Hot dogs/Hamburgs on the grill

breakfast: smoothie for mom/cereal for kids
lunch: bologna, cheese, crackers, fruit
dinner: speghetti w/meatballs and fresh bread

breakfast: soothie for mom/eggs for kids
lunch: Mac n' cheese, sausage chunks
dinner: steak salads for parents/hot dogs for kids

breakfast: pancakes
lunch: nachos w/meat
dinner: homemade pizza

breakfast: cereal
lunch: PBJ and chips
dinner: leftovers


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